Both these actors were born exactly one year apart. Mark Hamill was born on September 25th, 1951 while Christopher Reeve was born on the exact same date on September 25th, 1952 (though Reeve looks like the older one to me).
Both men were born in the same country, except different parts. Mark in California and Chris in New York.
Both men suffered through accidents, except Christopher Reeve's accident was much more severe.
Both men had three children of the same gender ratio. Two sons and a daughter for both except that Christopher Reeve had his second son from his second wife.
Both actors were not famous and mostly unknown until they were cast into their two important roles.
Both their movies were released about a year apart. Star Wars: A New Hope was released in 1977 and Superman in 1978.
Both their famous movies had theme soundtracks directed by composer John Williams.
Christopher Reeve was trained in body building by David Prowse the man who became Darth Vader in the original Star Wars trilogy and worked with Mark Hamill during the dual scenes.
Both men also starred together in Village of the Damned.
Both Luke Skywalker and Superman also lead very similar lives. Both were orphans since infancy and were raised by foster guardians which they both lost at early adulthood.
Both characters were raised on farms and helped work on them until adulthood.
Both also reached heroism at early adulthood and left the places where they grew up.
While Luke Skywalker was guided by Obi-Wan Kenobi first in life then in spirit, Superman/Kal El was guided by his father's spirit.
Both turn out to be powerful heroes in their respective story lines.
Both suffered through temporary defeats, Superman at the hands of Lex Luthor and Luke Skywalker at the hands of Darth Vader. Both rise to victory soon after their temporary defeat.
Both the characters and their movies spanned fame on Earth in the same time era throughout the 1980s and 1990s.
Anyone else noticed these similarities? Any other similarities that were missed? Leave your comments.