To give a full review of Resident Evil, I'll have to discuss each version of the game.
Resident Evil for PC/Playstation1:
The original Resident Evil game (pictured above) for PC/PS1 were more or less the same game as I recall.
The only difference there might have been were the prizes you earn after finishing the games. Finishing the PC version with Jill Valentine will give you an infinite sub machine gun.
Finishing the PC version with Chris Redfield gives you an infinite old-fashioned automatic rifle used in the early 1900s.
Other than those few differences, the are the same game pretty much. The background music and everything else stays the same. My personal views on this first release is that it missed alot of details and corrections that were released later in the Director's Cut version duel shock version.
The background music was poor and did not really match with the atmosphere. There were hardly any difficulties to choose from in the game. Finishing the game led to very limited prizes besides the rocket launcher, the machine guns depending on the characters and the "special key." The special key allows you to unlock a wardrobe and take out new clothes for your characters.
For this version of Resident Evil, I'd give two stars out of five. One extra star above the lowest rating for the special sub machine gun that you can obtain with Jill, not possible in the other versions of the game.
Resident Evil:Director's cut: This is the same game as the the Dual shock version, which I'm about to discuss except the background music is the same as the first version of the game.

This is the best version for Playstation out of all the Resident Evil issues. (only one version of RE was released on PC).
Excellent updated, [creepy] background music. It contains various difficulties, including the ultimate difficulty dubbed "arranged mode" which completely changes the the setting of the game. Items are in completely different places, characters have different outfits, new camera angles and additional new features.
The arranged mode can be a little frustrating with the difficulty that it's at. For example killing a regular monster can require more than one magnum round. For those unfamiliar with the Resident Evil series, the magnum gun is the ultimate gun, killing everything except for bosses in one shot.
To erase your frustration with the arrange mode's difficulties and completely conquer the game to win prizes, simply go to the difficulties menu at the beginning of the game, go down to arrange mode and hold the right direction button until the arranged mode turns green.
My rating is four stars out of five. Everything is excellent, save for the length of the game play and realism.
Resident Evil: Remake
This is the best version in the series. I haven't finished it yet or progressed much far, but so far it is everything Resident Evil was meant to be. So far I'd give it five out of five stars. I just wish the background sound tracks were the same as the Director's Cut duel shock version released on Playstation.
Otherwise the graphics are excellent, realism is at it's peak. The game play is almost entirely different from the PlayStation & PC versions with the puzzled re-arranged and completely enhanced making it more challenging than ever.
I give this a full five star rating. The video below speaks for the game:
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